No single cut-off for parasite half-life can define artemisinin-resistant malaria

Credit: CDC

数据从东南亚洲artemisinin-resistant malaria strains were first detected—broadly support WHO's 'working definition' for artemisinin resistance, but the currently used definitions require important refinements, according to a study by Lisa White and colleagues, from Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand, published this week inPLOS Medicine.

The drugrapidly clears malaria从受感染的血液patients-unless不相上下asites have developed resistance, in which case parasite clearance after artemisinin therapy (ACT) takes longer. The best measure of parasite clearance is the parasite half-life in the blood of a patient, and a common cut-off used to denote artemisinin resistance is 5 hours. The study shows that parasite half-life predicts the likelihood of an artemisinin-resistant infection for individual patients, but is influenced by how common resistance is in the particular area. The critical half-life varied between 3.5 hours (in areas where resistance is rare) and 5.5 hours (in areas where resistance is common). This means that there is no universal cut-off value in parasite half-life that can determine whether a particular infection is "sensitive" or "resistant".

Because measuring the parasite half-life requires frequent blood sampling which is difficult to do in resource-limited settings, WHO uses the following working definition for surveillance: artemisinin resistance in a population is suspected if more than 10% of patients are still carrying parasites three days after the start of ACT. Arguing that the cut-off used in the WHO working definition is based on limited data, the researchers examined how well the definition matches actual data from patients in areas with artemisinin-resistant parasites.

Applying a model specifically developed for this purpose, they found that the current WHO 'day-3' cut-off value of 10% is useful, but would be more informative if the parasite load at the start of ACT was taken into account. The authors also conclude that the WHO definition is in general a useful tool to identify areas with suspected artemisinin, but "lacks accuracy in predicting the real proportion of artemisinin-resistant parasites, and should thus be followed by a more detailed assessment".

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更多的信息:White LJ, Flegg JA, Phyo AP, Wiladpai-ngern JH, Bethell D, et al. (2015) Defining the In Vivo Phenotype of Artemisinin-Resistant Falciparum Malaria: A Modelling Approach.PLoS Med12(4): e1001823.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001823
Journal information: PLoS Medicine

Citation: No single cut-off for parasite half-life can define artemisinin-resistant malaria (2015, April 28) retrieved 1 September 2022 from //
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