
每个人都知道香烟烟雾对你的肺部不好。Just how bad can be seen in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Air pollution and other airborne irritants can be a factor but the National Institutes of Health is unequivocal—cigarette smoking is the leading cause of COPD. Despite its prevalence and ongoing research into COPD, there is no cure, current treatments are largely palliative, and new treatment targets are scarce. Now Corrine Kliment and colleagues in Doug Robinson's lab at Johns Hopkins University have found two new targets in a surprising place—amoebas. The researchers will present at ASCB 2015 in San Diego on Monday, December 14.
Hopkins研究人员说,社会Amoeba,Dictyostelium discoidum(或“dicty”)是对人类COPD的一个很好的模型,因为它使其如此强烈和可预测香烟烟雾或其实验室形式,香烟烟雾提取物(CSE)。CSE损害了Dicty的细胞骨架和新陈代谢,基岩细胞流程与其非常遥远的进化表兄弟,人类。CSE导致奇异急剧慢地慢地慢,依赖于浓度。这让研究人员在筛选Dicty时清晰的读出基因这似乎为CSE提供了保护作用。利用cDNA文库以超过30,000种转化体导致它们的两种基因,一个参与细胞骨架,AIP1,另一个,ANCA的变化,在线粒体,细胞的能量厂。ANCA基因在人类中具有突出的副蛋白酶,蚂蚁基因。重新引入这两个基因确认了对CSE的Dicty的保护。研究人员看到肺气道的人支气管上皮细胞(HBEKTS)的实验室文化,蚂蚁基因家族和AIP1都保护细胞免受CSE的细胞死亡。CSE侮辱,HBEKTS试图通过提高ANT1基因产出来反击。通过改变ant2基因的表达,研究人员对抗CSE的反击,导致明显增强的HBEKT细胞。