图1:一个细胞适应性选择模型在开发过程中对神经元生存的微分表达式TRKC psn细胞死亡前的时期。计划我们的工作假说。b, c颞命运的映射TRKC psn 4-OHT感应。TrkCCreER老鼠允许临时激活相信TRKC +细胞2 h后4-OHT injection21, 22岁。疣状PV, RFP和RUNX3 E17.5 DRG部分(c)和图显示分布的PV + / RUNX3 + psn汤姆+细胞(n = 4)。酒吧规模:20μm。d psn C5和C7的量化。* * * P < 0.001,单向方差分析(方差分析)与Sidak多个对比测试(n = 2 - 3)。的窗户psn细胞死亡。e TRKC表达E11.5 ISL1 +(和RUNX3 +的染色不显示更多的可见性)DRG神经元。 Scale bar: 50 μm. f TRKC levels in PSNs of e illustrated by color coding; dark blue indicates the lower and red the higher TRKC levels. From here, all observations are done at brachial levels (C5–8). g Distribution of TRKC levels in PSNs from e. h Distribution of TRKC levels in PSNs in E11.5 DRG neurons (from g). The data exhibit a Poisson-like distribution (one representative animal), with the mean used to define the two different categories of TRKC intensity (TRKCHigh and TRKCLow). i Projection of seven images of RUNX3+/TRKC+ PSNs from one brachial DRG; dots indicate TRKC-labeled neurons and color codes reveal TRKC intensity as shown in h. j Projection image of smFISH for pan Ntrk3 and Ntrk3 full length (FL) transcripts in E11.5 DRG, visualized at high magnification in (1) and (2) (images show full projection); right panel shows color coding of Ntrk3 FL levels in red; the brighter, the higher levels. k Distribution of the number of Ntrk3 FL molecules in E11.5 DRG neurons by smFISH, normalized to pan Ntrk3 (Ntrk3 FL represent 68% of all Ntrk3 transcripts). l TrkCCreER;R26tdTOM mice were injected at E9.75 with 4-OHT and analyzed at E11.5 (n = 3). m, n Frequency distribution (m) and pie chart (n) of TOM+/TRKC+ neurons from l according to their level of TRKC intensity. Source data are available as a Source Data file