总结了WSS分数。选择来自三个数据集的所有个人(n = 36)的前10种物种(从Raymond等人的控制和单抗生素数据集,8个和来自Palleja等人的多种抗生素数据)进行比较每个每个可能的每个可能的样本之间的WSS分数。Boxplots显示每个数据集的前10种物种的一部分(C = Control,S =单抗生素和M =多元抗生素),该分数落入由水平颜色编码条指示的相应彩盒组(描述的颜色)在主文本中)。来自红色和蓝色框组的值被合并以表示每个数据集的单个Boxplot。Boxplots显示一个中位数(一个黄色三角形),一个平均值(红色星号),四分位数范围框。Boxpot中的每个点表示每个数据集中每个单独观察的值,并且框的晶须扩展到在每个数据集中观察到的最低值和最高值。使用ANOVA测试每个数据集之间的显着差异(P值<0.05),然后测试Tukey的多重比较r(版本3.5.1)后HOC测试,并表示为Boxplot上方的黑色星号;* P值<0.05,** P值<0.01,*** P值<0.001,N.S. = not significant (see Supplementary Data 1 for detailed values). b, c The summarized WSS scores of the top 10 species per individual from b, single antibiotic, and c multiple antibiotics data set were grouped into different color boxes (colors described in the main text). Each column in the table represents an individual and matches to the number shown in the Supplementary Data 1. WSS scores for all identified species are provided in Supplementary Data 1, and the summarized WSS scores for the control data set shown in the Supplementary Fig. 4. Additional strain profiling analysis was conducted for B. uniformis from individual #19 from Raymond et al. and for B. vulgatus from individual #3 and #11 from Palleja et al. (red outlined boxes; result from this analysis shown in Fig. 2). Credit: npj Biofilms and Microbiomes volume 5, Article number: 30 (2019)