(健康日) - 对于老年人,血压(BP)<130/80 mm Hg有关的死亡率过高,根据3月5日在线发布的研究年龄和老化。
Jane A.H. Masoli,M.B.Ch.B.,来自英国的埃克塞特大学,同事采用电子健康记录进行了预期的观察分析,以检查BP与BP之间的相关性死亡/初级护理人群的心血管结果超过75岁,并由脆弱分层。
研究人员发现,通过收缩性BPS(Sbps)> 150 mm Hg,心血管结果的风险增加。有变化在非弗勒<85岁和84岁的勒索之间的死亡协会中指出,超过85岁,超过85年。有a correlation for SBPs above the 130- to 139-mm Hg reference with lower mortality risk, especially in those with moderate-to-severe frailty or aged older than 85 years (e.g., hazard ratios for 150 to 159 versus 130 to 139 mm Hg at age 75 to 84 years: 0.94 for nonfrail and 0.84 for moderate/severe frailty). Independent of the BP trajectory toward the end of life, a consistent association was seen for SBP <130 mm Hg and diastolic BP <80 mm Hg with excess mortality.