在准备大量COVID-19病人,医院在全国取消了“选择”。Many Americans have interpreted that to mean procedures that can be delayed without consequence to the patient, but this is incorrect. "Elective" is simply the opposite of "emergency." In other words, "elective" procedures are those that are scheduled in advance. These include life-saving organ transplants and cancer surgeries. Recently, some healthcare systems have clarified their guidelines so that procedures are delayed only if patients will suffer no lasting harm from the postponement. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has provided recommendations to help providers triage care by considering both the patient's condition and capacity of the health care system, including whether reasonable alternatives—like telehealth—are feasible. While this is a welcome development, more needs to be done, especially in states where beds are waiting for COVID-19 patients who may never arrive.
例如,在我们的家乡加州COVID-19 10 ICU患者占用少于两床,COVID-19-related使用率的增长,值得庆幸的是,似乎是平缓。
隔离COVID-19患者是有意义的公共卫生风险,但不能以牺牲其他的护理。限制访问的当前战略COVID-19病人是有意义的是有些不知所措热点喜欢纽约。然而,纽约之外,COVID-19病人不消耗大部分医院甚至加护病房的床上。更有意义创造一个适当大小的战略储备COVID-19 ICU和综合医院床位,以及适当的个人防护用品供应这些医院,而不是关闭绝大多数non-COVID-19医疗程序。