稀有血凝凝血凝血和低血小板的治疗指导 - 与Covid-19疫苗有关
Last Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) lifted the pause in administration of the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S. The temporary pause was due to reports of a serious condition called cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), which refers to blood clots in the brain's veins—not in the arteries, as is the case for most strokes—in combination with thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count). CVST and thrombocytopenia together is called thrombosis-thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS). When TTS is linked to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, it is called vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). CVST has also been associated with cases of TTS in adults who received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine available in Europe, according to the European Medicines Agency, the agency responsible for the scientific evaluation, supervision and safety of medicines in the European Union.
"COVID-19 infection is a significant risk factor for CVST. A preliminary analysis of U.S. data during the COVID-19 pandemic, available online, preprint on April 15, 2021, found that the risk of CVST due to infection with COVID-19 is 8-10 times higher than the risk of CVST after receiving a COVID-19疫苗," said Karen L. Furie, M.D., M.P.H., lead author of the special report, chair of the department of neurology at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and chief of neurology at Rhode Island Hospital, The Miriam Hospital and Bradley Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. "The public can be reassured by the CDC's and FDA's investigation and these statistics—the likelihood of developing CVST after a COVID-19 vaccine is extremely low. We urge all adults to receive any of the approved COVID-19 vaccines."
The analysis included data from 59 health care organizations, totaling 81 million patients, more than 98% of whom were in the U.S. Among the nearly 514,000 patients in the database who were diagnosed with COVID-19 infection from January 20, 2020 through March 25, 2021, 20 patients were diagnosed with CVST. This data was compared to the incidence of CVST in adults who received either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine before March 25, 2021, excluding those who had previously been diagnosed with COVID-19. No cases of thrombocytopenia (low platelets) were diagnosed among almost 490,000 vaccinated adults.
“CVST血栓是非常罕见的不良事件。我们立即立即筛查所有何种障碍抵达ER的患者 - 他们在此次活动前最近几周内收到了Covid-19疫苗吗?”弗里说。“应使用非肝素抗凝血剂治疗患有CVST或血栓症状的患者以及最近接受Covid-19疫苗的患者。应给予任何剂量的肝素产品,用于疑似CVST,TTS或Vitt。有右边治疗,大多数患者在CVST,TTS或VITT后可以完全恢复。“
CVST是一个非常罕见但严重的中风造成的血块在称为静脉窦的大脑的一部分中,涉及从大脑中携带血液的静脉。CVST凝块症状与其他几种神经病症非常相似,症状可包括严重的头痛;视力模糊;晕倒或丧失意识;弱点;感官变化;混乱或烦恼;癫痫发作;腹痛;腿痛;难以呼吸或呼吸急促。CVST发生在大脑的静脉中;血液凝块也可能发生在其他血管中,如腿,肺或腹部的其他血管。在美国报告的病例中,最常见的症状是严重的头痛;呕吐;背疼;疲劳;弱点或无法移动身体的一侧(偏血); inability to speak or understand speech (aphasia); loss of consciousness; and abdominal pain.
If associated with the COVID-19 vaccine, cases of TTS/VITT occurred several days up to 2-1/2 weeks after being vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S., or up to 3-1/2 weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in Europe.
The CDC and FDA's report on April 23, 2021, confirms the agencies investigated 15 reported cases of TTS in the U.S., in women ages 18-59 years, from the nearly 7 million adults who received the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine before the temporary pause on April 13, 2021. The European Medicines Agency's investigation, reported on April 7, 2021, lists 62 cases of CVST, among adults ages 22-60 years, mostly women, from the more than 25 million people who received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine throughout the European Union .
- 由于Covid-19疫苗引起的所有疑似CVST的患者应用非肝素抗凝血剂如Argatroban,Bivalirudin,DanaParoid,Fordaparinux或直接口服抗凝血剂(DOAC)治疗。应给出任何剂量中的肝素产品。
- 建议使用静脉标记(MRI / MRV)或使用静脉标记(CT / CTV)的磁共振成像,以精确地检测和诊断CVST。
- 血液试验应包括CBC(完整血统计数)加:
- 血小板计数 - 确定每升血液的血小板数量;
- 在显微镜下的外周涂抹检查计数各种类型的血细胞数,如果它们看起来正常;
- 凝血酶原时间来测量它需要血液凝块的时间;
- 部分血栓形成时间 - 测量血液对凝块的血液,特别测量这些凝血因子:因子VIII,因子IX,因子1V和因子XII;
- 纤维蛋白原试验 - 用于纤维蛋白存在的测量,血液中发现的蛋白质,表明已被激活血液凝固;
- D-二聚体测试 - 用于测量D-二聚体的存在,当血液凝块溶解在体内时的小蛋白质;和
- PF4抗体ELISA测试 - 用于测试PF4抗体,身体有时会在血液中产生抗凝血剂肝素。
- 如果血小板计数极低(<20,000 / mm,则可能需要量身定制抗凝治疗剂量3.)或者如果有低纤维蛋白原。
- 即使大脑中存在次要出血,抗凝血剂也应用于治疗CVST,以防止进展血栓形成和控制出血。
- 应避免血小板输注。
- 一旦血小板计数恢复正常(150,000至450,000 / mm3.),大多数患者如果没有禁忌症,大多数患者可以转变为口腔抗凝血剂。
- 作者注意到,根据他们对美国血液学学会的评估,以及最近发表的两项研究,应考虑使用直接口服抗凝血剂(Doac)或维生素K激动剂(VKA)的各个患者因素。血小板计数恢复。
- 作者推荐给美国卫生和人类服务部疫苗疫苗不良事件报告制度向美国卫生和人类服务部报告后所有血栓形成病例疫苗https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html.。这种数据对于了解CVST,TTS和VITT的发病率非常重要。
- 仍有很大的调查:
- 是否有任何预先存在的条件,可以将某人倾向于CVST或VITT?
- Covid-19疫苗后,PF4抗体,低血小板计数和CVST的真正患病率和风险是什么?
- 由于目前没有关于在Covid-19疫苗后没有开发CVST,TTS或VITT的人的数据进行比较,因此不可能确定疫苗是PF4抗体,低血小板计数的原因(血小板减少症)或血栓(血栓形成)。
“美国心脏协会继续敦促大家尽快收到Covid-19疫苗。我们同意CDC和FDA对接受Johnson&Johnson(Janssen)疫苗的人的建议 - 如果他们发展严重的头痛,腹部在接受疫苗的3周内疼痛,腿部疼痛或呼吸急促,他们应该快速联系他们的医疗保健专业人员。