C9-HRE携带者的成纤维细胞显示未改变的C9orf72水平,表达RNA病灶,但不显示DPR蛋白。对C9orf72所有变体的成纤维细胞RNA进行TaqMan检测。b TaqMan法检测成纤维细胞RNA亚型A的特异转录水平。对于(a)和(b),数据表示为一次生物重复中数据点的平均值±SEM。采用单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA)进行Sidak多重比较检验。只有在事后测试中显着的p值在图中显示。c有代表性的Western blot检测对照受试者(Con)、无C9- hre的FTLD患者(C9−)和有C9- hre的FTLD患者(C9+)的成纤维细胞总蛋白裂解物。用10 μM lactacystin (Lact.)处理细胞,通过UPS阻断蛋白质降解。多聚泛素化蛋白(poly-ub。蛋白)在所有用乳糖素处理的成纤维细胞系中积累相似。 DMSO was used as a vehicle. d Quantification of the C9orf72 levels from the Western blot images. Data are shown as the mean of three biological replicates ± SEM. Data were transformed to achieve normality and two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test was performed. *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01. Only p values that were significant in the post hoc test are indicated in the graph. e A Representative image of RNA foci (red) in the fibroblasts of a C9-HRE carrier (lower images). A C9-HRE non-carrier does not show any RNA foci (upper images). DAPI (blue) was used to stain the nuclei. f Dot blot images of the total protein lysates of fibroblasts from controls, FTLD patients without the C9-HRE (C9− 1–3), and FTLD patients with the C9-HRE (C9+ 1–3). Lysates from N2a cells transfected with 2R plasmid were used as negative control and lysates from N2a cells transfected with 66R plasmid (positive control for Poly-GP) or plasmids encoding the individual 100× DPR proteins (positive control for poly-GA, poly-GR, poly-PR, and poly-PA) were used as positive controls. Credit: DOI: 10.1007/s12035-021-02475-x