
−5) for which the minor allele was protective. The size of each point represents the total number of independent suggestive SNPs for each of the eight phenotypes. The horizontal dashed line represents the mean proportion of protective minor alleles across all eight phenotypes. Point colors match the protective enrichment color scale described in panel b. b, Protective (blue) or risk (red) enrichment at four two-sided CMH enrichment P-value thresholds for each of the eight phenotypes relative to the remaining seven phenotypes. Darker shades correspond to greater magnitude of enrichment (larger CMH OR). Asterisks represent significance of CMH enrichment test (unadjusted two-sided *P < 0.0016; **P < 1 × 10−10; ***P < 1 × 10−100). Credit: Nature Genetics (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41588-022-01042-x">
你身体上感染COVID-19的可能性是否更低?−5) for which the minor allele was protective. The size of each point represents the total number of independent suggestive SNPs for each of the eight phenotypes. The horizontal dashed line represents the mean proportion of protective minor alleles across all eight phenotypes. Point colors match the protective enrichment color scale described in panel b. b, Protective (blue) or risk (red) enrichment at four two-sided CMH enrichment P-value thresholds for each of the eight phenotypes relative to the remaining seven phenotypes. Darker shades correspond to greater magnitude of enrichment (larger CMH OR). Asterisks represent significance of CMH enrichment test (unadjusted two-sided *P < 0.0016; **P < 1 × 10−10; ***P < 1 × 10−100). Credit: Nature Genetics (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41588-022-01042-x" width="800" height="459">
三种“扩展”的表型富集了与保护作用方向相关的小等位基因。a, y轴表示暗示性相关先导snp的百分比(双侧逆方差加权跨谱系P < 1 × 10)−5),而小等位基因是有保护作用的。每个点的大小代表了8种表型中每一种的独立提示snp的总数。水平虚线表示保护性小等位基因在所有八种表型中的平均比例。点颜色与面板b中描述的保护性富集颜色刻度相匹配。b,相对于其余7个表型,8个表型中的每一个在4个双面CMH富集p值阈值处的保护性(蓝色)或风险(红色)富集。更深的阴影对应更大的富集幅度(更大的CMH OR)。星号表示CMH富集试验的显著性(未经调整的双面*P < 0.0016;** p < 1 × 10−10;*** p < 1 × 10−100).信贷:自然遗传学(2022)。DOI: 10.1038 / s41588 - 022 - 01042 - x



克里斯汀·兰德(Kristin Rand)和同事们分析了从一家DNA检测公司的736,723名美国客户(中位年龄57岁;67%的女性)。利用这些基因,作者分析了四种先前研究的与患糖尿病风险相关的表型.该团队还定义了三种新的保护性表型,这些表型与家庭接触SARS-CoV-2后的感染风险和症状严重程度有关。这些新发现的表型与降低COVID-19风险的遗传密码区域有关,因此可能是治疗干预的有用靶点。




更多信息:genvieve H. L. Roberts等人,扩展的COVID-19表型定义揭示了独特的遗传关联和保护作用模式,自然遗传学(2022)。DOI: 10.1038 / s41588 - 022 - 01042 - x
期刊信息: 自然遗传学

引用:你身体上感染COVID-19的可能性是否更低?(2022, 4月12日)检索到2022年5月26日从//www.pyrotek-europe.com/news/2022-04-physically-infected-covid-.html
