pre- vs post- adjuvant anti-PD1 treatment in available tumor (N=24) samples. B. OS according to TMEHigh and non-TMEHigh (TMELow + TMEMed) subtypes who received adjuvant anti-PD1 therapy in the Zhao cohort (N=15 patients). C. Relative boxplots indicating the proportion of TMELow, TMEMed and TMEHigh patients before administration of anti-PD1 treatment (left) and after anti-PD1 treatment (right) in available tumor and blood samples. D. Partition around medoids (PAM) clustering of the PVSRIPO cohort19Desjardins A. Gromeier M. Herndon J.E. Beaubier N. Bolognesi D.P. Friedman A.H. et al.Recurrent Glioblastoma Treated with Recombinant Poliovirus.New England Journal of Medicine. July 12, 2018; 379: 150-161CrossrefPubMedScopus (0)Google Scholar with available RNA-seq data (N=12), based on the cellular TME composition described by GBM-MCP-counter scores reveal 3 subtypes; TMElow, TME med and TME high. E. OS according to TMELow and TMEMed and TMEHigh subtypes who received PVSRIPO therapy in the PVSRIPO cohort19Desjardins A. Gromeier M. Herndon J.E. Beaubier N. Bolognesi D.P. Friedman A.H. et al.Recurrent Glioblastoma Treated with Recombinant Poliovirus.New England Journal of Medicine. July 12, 2018; 379: 150-161CrossrefPubMedScopus (0)Google Scholar. Statistical test: Wilcoxon signed rank test. Kaplan Meier analysis; P value of log-ranked test. *P<0.05 ** P<0.01. Credit: Annals of Oncology (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.annonc.2022.11.008">
在TME中有改善OS和提高响应率的趋势高接受pembrolizumab或PVSRIPO辅助治疗的患者。A. Zhao数据集中的TME组成18赵娟,陈ax, Gartrell RD, Silverman AM, Aparicio L, Chu T,等。胶质母细胞瘤抗pd -1免疫治疗反应的免疫和基因组相关性2019年3月11日;25(3):462-469。网址: Scholar在可用的肿瘤样本中(N=24)进行辅助前和辅助后抗pd1治疗的比较。B.根据TME的OS高和non-TME高(时间低+时间地中海赵队列(N=15例患者)中接受辅助抗pd1治疗的亚型。C.表示TME比例的相对箱线图低,开心的地中海和时间高左为抗pd1治疗前的患者(左),右为抗pd1治疗后的患者(右)。D. PVSRIPO队列中中部聚类(PAM)周围的分区19重组脊髓灰质炎病毒治疗复发性胶质母细胞瘤。新英格兰医学杂志。2018年7月12日;379: 150-161CrossrefPubMedScopus(0)谷歌学者利用现有RNA-seq数据(N=12),基于GBM-MCP-counter评分描述的细胞TME组成揭示了3个亚型;开心的低,时间地中海和时间高.E.根据TME的OS低和时间地中海和时间高在PVSRIPO队列中接受PVSRIPO治疗的亚型19重组脊髓灰质炎病毒治疗复发性胶质母细胞瘤。新英格兰医学杂志。2018年7月12日;379: 150-161CrossrefPubMedScopus(0)谷歌学者.统计检验:Wilcoxon符号秩检验。Kaplan Meier分析;log-rank检验的P值。* p <0.05 ** p <0.01。信贷:肿瘤学年鉴(2022)。DOI: 10.1016 / j.annonc.2022.11.008