等离子体生物标志物之间的关联和Aβ-PET BioFINDER-1(组1)。Log10-transformed等离子体生物标志物水平centiloid之间的比较(CL)组,< 12 (MD−2.6;n = 139;参照组),Q1(范围12.0 - -35.9;MD 17.9;n = 27), Q2(范围35.9 - -71.7;MD 50.1;n = 24),第三季(范围71.7 - -95.3;MD 80.6;n = 25)和第四季度(> 95.3;MD 114.1; n = 25) using univariate general linear models adjusting for age. Untransformed data are presented in the boxplots to aid interpretation of biomarker values across different comparisons. One NfL outlier is not shown but was included in the statistical analysis. Boxes show interquartile range, the horizontal lines are medians and the whiskers were plotted using the Tukey method. Credit:自然医学(2022)。DOI: 10.1038 / s41591 - 022 - 02074 - w