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Study shows Indigenous patients with autoimmune liver disease face worse symptoms and outcomes

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First Nations, Métis and Inuit people with primary biliary cholangitis—a debilitating autoimmune liver disease—have more advanced symptoms at diagnosis and worse long-term outcomes than others in Canada, according to research from a nationwide monitoring project.

"Thisjoins the collection of other autoimmune diseases with increased frequency and severity in Indigenous peoples, including multiple sclerosis,and," says co-lead author Andrew Mason, hepatologist and professor in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.

"The cause for the increased severity of disease is not clear," says Mason, who is the Western Canada project lead for the Canadian Network for Autoimmune Liver Disease, which pools data about patients with the relatively rare diseases of primary biliary cholangitis, autoimmune hepatitis and overlap syndrome.

Primary biliary cholangitis is ain which the immune system misfires and attacks the bile ducts in the liver, slowly destroying them. It affects anestimated 318 people per millionin Canada. Nine out of 10 patients are female,according to the Canadian Liver Foundation. Early symptoms include fatigue and itchiness, with abdominal pain, swelling, jaundice and other symptoms developing later. There is no cure for the disease, although treatments can slow its progression. Some patients eventually experience liver failure and require a transplant.

For their study published inHepatology, the researchers examined medical records for 1,538 patients from six cities across the country.

They found that Indigenous patients were more likely to have developed complications such as deteriorated liver function orbefore diagnosis than new patients from other, even though they were diagnosed at about the same age. Indigenous patients also had persistently poorer results on blood tests even after treatment.

In search of the cause and better treatments

Mason, who is also a member of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology, notes that primary biliary cholangitis can be hard to diagnose because it mimics other liver conditions. As with other, it appears that a combination of factors may lead to the disease, including an underlying genetic risk and environmental triggers such as infection or hormones.

“土著populat与严重疾病ions may be related to an increased genetic risk compared with other Canadians," Mason says.

Along with caring for patients with, Mason has devoted much of his research career to examining one of those potential environmental factors—a human betaretrovirus that is very similar to the mouse mammary tumor virus, known to cause cancer and linked with autoimmune biliary disease in mice. The human virus has been found in patients who have breast cancer, lymphoma and primary biliary cholangitis, but no causal link has been confirmed. Mason recently wrote a book chapter and edited aspecial issue of the academic journalVirusesexploring the controversy surrounding the virus.

Mason says the next step for his own lab's research is to refine a blood test they have developed to more easily detect the human betaretrovirus in patients. He reports that some primary biliary cholangitisget symptom and liver test improvement from long-term use of repurposed antiviral drugs originally developed for HIV/AIDS, particularly with the fatigue associated with the disease, indicating a possible viral link.

More information:Surain B. Roberts et al, Ethnicity, disease severity, and survival in Canadian patients with primary biliary cholangitis,Hepatology(2022).DOI: 10.1002/hep.32426

Journal information: Hepatology

Citation:研究显示本地患者自身免疫liver disease face worse symptoms and outcomes (2023, February 3) retrieved 28 April 2023 from //
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