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Five reasons physical activity is important for cancer patients

Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock">
Five reasons physical activity is important for cancer patients
Physical activity during cancer treatment can help improve mental and physical health outcomes. Credit:Dmytro Zinkevych/ Shutterstock

你可能知道,体育活动可以帮助低er your risk of getting manycommon types of cancer. But what many of us don't realize is just how important physical activity is if you've been diagnosed with cancer.

While patients were previously told to rest during cancer treatment, the overwhelming body of evidence now shows that physical activity issafe and beneficialthroughout cancer treatment and beyond. TheWorld Health Organizationalso endorses physical activity for those with, including cancer.

Here are five ways physical activity could be beneficial to patients during and after cancer treatment.

1. It supports mental health

Acan be extremely emotional, and patients may feel uncertainty and fear regarding their diagnosis and treatment. Research shows that many patients experience increased feelings ofanxiety and depression, alongside reduced quality of life. This may occur just after diagnosis, during treatment and in some cases is experienced for years after the completion of treatment.

But many studies have shown that physical activity during and aftercan help manage thesemental health struggles, alongside improving patients'self-esteem and overall mood.

Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise(such as brisk walking) two to three times a week combined with muscle strengthening (such as pilates or weight lifting) has been shown to significantly reduce anxiety and depression in people suffering with many different types of cancer, including breast, prostate, colorectal, gynecological and.

2. It may reduce feelings of fatigue

Fatigue is one of the mostfrequently reported side effectsassociated with cancer and its treatment, which can have a serious affect on a cancer patient's daily life and theirphysical, emotional and mental well-being.

Research showscan helpreduce feelings of fatigue. Evidence suggests that moderate to vigorous-intensity activity which combines both aerobic and muscle strengthening activities two to three times a week is beneficial for reducing fatigue in those diagnosed withbreast and prostate cancer.

3. It can help to cope with treatment

Many studies have shown that patients who are able to tolerate their prescribed dose of chemotherapy have a better prognosis. However, thedose of chemotherapypatients receive is often reduced due to a range of treatment-related side-effects and complications they experience.

Encouragingly, some studies suggest thatwho completedmuscle-strengtheningor a combination of bothaerobic and muscle-strengthening activitiesduring treatment were less likely to need chemotherapy dose reductions. The evidence for a link between physical activity and chemotherapy is still emerging and research is ongoing.

4. It may prevent hospitalization

癌症治疗,包括手术和chemotherapy, can lead to complications for some people, which may require hospitalization. But research suggests that for patients with breast cancer physical activity can lower the risk of hospitalization.

Researchers asked participants to take part in a 16-week program of combined muscle strengthening and interval training which was performed twice a week during chemotherapy. They found that the group which performed a combination of strength and interval training had a3% lower incidence of hospitalizationcompared to those who were inactive.

5. It could reduce risk of recurrence and improves survival

A large review of 18 reviews of physical activity among those with cancer found that higher physical activity levels was associated with a reduced risk of cancer returning, and improved survival byup to 40%-50%.

Time to move

Many patients with cancer avoid physical activity as they're unsure of what it safe for them to do. But theWorld Health Organizationrecommends that all patients with cancer should avoid being inactive both during and after treatment.

Instead, it says adult cancer patients should aim to complete at least 150 minutes of moderate intensityeach week that raises the(such as brisk walking, cycling and dancing). It also recommended that patients aim to do muscle strengthening exercises (such asor yoga) at least twice a week.

While it can often be difficult to schedule in time to be physically active—especially during treatment—evensmall amounts of physical activityinterspersed during the day are important for health. Some easy ways to include more activity into your day include getting off the bus a stop early or squatting while waiting for the kettle to boil. This form of activity may also be useful for cancer patients who are feeling fatigued, as it only requires a few minutes at a time throughout the day.

For those havingcancer treatment, it's important to remember that some days will be better than others. Take it easy on the days you feel unwell. On the days you're feeling a bit better, try to increase the amount of exercise you do just a little.

It's important to stay hydrated, not to overdo it and listen to your body. You may find being active more enjoyable if you involve friends and family.

Provided byThe Conversation

This article is republished fromThe Conversationunder a Creative Commons license. Read theoriginal article.The Conversation

Citation: Five reasons physical activity is important for cancer patients (2023, February 6) retrieved 7 April 2023 from //
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